Medications for Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Medications for Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

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Tired of Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy (NVP) but not sure if taking medications for morning sickness during pregnancy is safe? Do not worry! Not all medications for nausea and vomiting are unsafe or have serious side effects. Doxinate is an example of safe medication for NVP that is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA).

Let us learn more about Doxinate as a safe medication for morning sickness and NVP.

What Is Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness is a common condition marked by NVP that affects around 80% of pregnant women. Morning sickness is experienced in the early pregnancy, and it eventually subsides after the first three months of gestation. 

However, morning sickness can make it difficult for expecting mothers to keep the food down and feel queasy all the time. Moms-to-be may also feel exhausted, bloated and tired all the time. 

Even though morning sickness does not affect your baby’s growth, if not treated early on, it may progress to Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) – a severe and constant form of NVP. Therefore, you must note the severity and frequency of the symptoms and see your doctor at the earliest in case of weakness caused by NVP.

Though the exact cause of morning sickness is not yet confirmed, it could be due to:

  • Increased oestrogen levels
  • Increased Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) levels
  • High progesterone levels
  • Gastric problems
  • Excess acid in the stomach
  • Nutritional deficiency 
  • Increased sense of smell
  • Hot & humid conditions
  • Spicy food and other reasons

Medications for Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Numerous prescribed and Over the Counter (OTC) medications are available for morning sickness. However, not all drugs are safe for consumption during pregnancy. Certain medications with unapproved chemical ingredients that may adversely affect the growth of your foetus. Therefore, take only safe and approved medications to manage morning sickness.

Recommended Guidelines for NVP Treatment

According to the 2018 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommended guidelines, the management of NVP involves a stepwise approach. The NVP treatment starts with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) or vitamin B6 + doxylamine combination product that is followed by agents, such as metoclopramide, promethazine and methylprednisolone.

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (SOGC) strongly recommend Doxylamine and Pyridoxine combination to manage NVP. 

Doxinate is a combination of Doxylamine Succinate (an antihistamine) and Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) that successfully manages NVP. Doxinate is an effective and safe anti-nausea and anti-vomiting drug prescribed by leading gynaecologists to reduce morning sickness and its symptoms. 

Doxylamine blocks the chemical that triggers nausea and vomiting and controls the NVP symptoms. Pyridoxine is vitamin B6 that has anti-nausea properties and is clinically proven to be effective in reducing the severity of nausea.

Benefits of Using Doxinate in Pregnancy

Here are some of the benefits of using doxinate in pregnancy:

  • Improves Your Everyday Life

    Doxinate tablets and capsules reduce the effect of morning sickness symptoms and improve the quality of your everyday life.  

  • Provides 24-hr NVP Control

    The delayed-release formula with Eudragit L 100-55 coating provides 24-hour control of the symptoms of nausea and/or vomiting. 

  • Prevents Hyperemesis Gravidarum

    Each dose of Doxinate controls the symptoms of NVP and prevents the condition from progressing to a complex condition of HG. This serious condition is a result of severe nausea and vomiting, dehydration and weight loss.  

  • No-Risk of Teratogenicity 

    Unlike some of the medications for morning sickness, Doxinate is a safe labelled drug. It neither has any risk of Teratogenicity nor any side effects on the foetus. Teratogenicity is a condition where an agent (Teratogen) physically or chemically impacts the development of the foetus and results in congenital malformations. It may lead to birth defects, such as cleft palate, cleft lip, clubfoot, cardiovascular defects, craniosynostosis and other malformations. 

Consult with your doctor before taking any off-label medication or OTC drugs to manage morning sickness symptoms. It is recommended that you discuss your condition with your doctor and take only prescribed medication. Also, discuss any possible side effects, dosage and other precautions before taking the anti-emetic drugs.